Static electricity is the imbalance between negative and positive electrical charges in objects and is usually caused when solid objects come into contact.

When two objects rub together, one is collecting electrons to become negative and the other is losing electrons to become positive. This action creates the charge imbalance of electrons when the two objects are separated.

An electrical charge refers to the flow of protons and electrons. Therefore, protons and electrons carry an electrical charge.

Electric charge can’t be destroyed r be created out of nowhere. The total amount of charge in the universe always stays the same. Positive and negative charges might cancel out, or neutral particles can break apart to make both positive and negative charges, but the overall charge never changes.

Although static electricity can be dangerous and must be carefully managed, in some instances within the workplace it’s vital for production. 

 A plasma ball, plasma globe, or plasma lamp alive with purple and pink electricity in a clear glass container

What is a static shock?

You most likely associate static electricity with a small shock you sometimes get when you touch a door handle or you can see static electricity when your hair stands on end.

A static electric shock happens when an object with an excess of negative electrons comes in contact with another object with a less negative charge. If strong enough, the object with the surplus of negative electrons will make the electrons of the other object jump, causing a shock.

A close up of a women's hand on a metal railing

Electrons flow from where they have built up. For example, they may build up on a human who then touches their mobile phone. This activity creates the infamous static shock.

When do static shocks happen?

The transfer of electrons happens all the time. When you rub your feet across the carpet, remove your gloves or pull at a blanket, these movements cause a spark of static electricity.

If you are in an extremely cold place with low humidity and rub a blanket across your duvet in the dark, you can literally see the electrical sparks fly.

While static electricity may not cause major issues at home, it can be a serious problem in the manufacturing and processing industries where friction and separation frequently happen, causing some objects to build up a large static charge. 

The dangers of static electricity include large shocks to any person who then touches a metal object, causing serious injury. It can stun the victim, leading to several dangerous situations, including falling, bumping into others or getting trapped in machinery. 

Male workers in protective helmets and uniforms working with machinery in a metal factory with static

It isn’t just people who are at risk of large shocks. A sudden high-voltage discharge could also ignite flammable substances, opening up the risk of a fire. If a workplace uses pipes with flammable fluids flowing through them, such as gasoline, this could be extremely dangerous if static is allowed to build-up. A small spark could cause a fire or explosion in an instant.

Damage to electrical goods is also a huge issue — especially in workplaces that depend on electrical machinery to maintain production. Electrical components can be damaged and rendered useless from even a small shock.

eStat Solutions has extensive knowledge of a broad range of manufacturing processes and so can offer the most appropriate solutions. We have a comprehensive range of static solutions. Check them out here.

There are now many options for workplaces wanting to prevent or eliminate the danger of static electricity. Modern specialised static removal and cleaning equipment can help such workplaces eradicate the danger efficiently and effectively.

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